Saturday, November 24, 2007

No people that is not whipped cream, thats sour cream.

Becky's 30th, no I didn't mistype, 30th birthday party at Adobe. Belle ate up some food that night including all of the extra sour cream. Yesterday I made waffles and she only left me a few bites. Not fair because we are both going through growing spurts- except in different directions- hers is vertical and mine is horizontal. LOL. I think I am breaking records. I might have gained more weight this week than all of the people that will eventually read this post did added up together. It was funny, Monday I told Becky serously, "I don't know why I am gaining all of this weight", while eating a double cheese burger a large fry in my lap and a huge drink waiting for consumption. We both busted out laughing.
Belle ready for church. See is getting so big. I think she grew an inch last night alone. Timmy says she grows an inch or two every time he sees her. My biggest fear- me tippy toeing to kiss Belle in a 13 years. LOL!!!

Me and Timmy at the Alabama game.

That game was so fun. The "coon ass" remark was in reference to the racial slur that Saban spewed out of his mouth in January. Look up Saban racial slur in youtube.

LSU Tigers = Cardiac Cats. Watching the LSU games are not for the weak of heart.

Belle as Jo-Jo from Jo-Jo's Circus

She was so proud of her costume. She loves Halloween. Don't let her fool you though, these are just courtesy smiles. As soon as the light flashes she is ready to play again. She smiles because she knows the faster she does the faster she goes back to playing or breaking my stuff or whatere you want to call it.